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If you are successful in getting permission to search, remember to ask the property owner if there are historical locations on the property. This is important as you may not detect at an historical place or on land even if you have the property owner’s permission. There are no property's (land) in the U.S. that will not have an owner, either public or private. To be able to metal detect on these lands you may need the property owner’s permission and when ever possible it is best to get permission in writing (Private Property Only).

Remember that all National Park Lands, National Recreation Areas or any other Historical lands, monuments or building are off limits to metal detecting or even having a metal detector in your possession on these lands may be against the law.

Also many states, cities, school entities and counties have regulations that will make metal detecting against the law. In some cases there may be a requirement to get a metal detecting permit from a public agency.

If you are successful in getting permission to search, remember to ask the property owner if there are historical locations on the property. This is important as you may not detect at an historical place on the land (This may vary from State to State) even with the property owner’s permission.


The following permission letter is not a lawyer created metal detecting legal letter. If a MORE formal permission to metal detect letter is required you must contact a legal representative in your area.

Liability Waiver:

Please note the following concerning a liability waiver. Waivers maybe used between individual, however, if there is an injury or other issue that may arise insurance companies could get involved from either party. Insurance Companies will probably not honor any previously agreement made between the parties either oral or in writing.


Adobe .pdf Format: Download this form

MS Word .doc Format: Download this form


Informal Metal Detecting Permission Agreement


 I ___________________________________Owner agree to provide metal detector

Hobbyist __________________________________subject to conditions in this agreement temporary right to enter the property described.                                                                                                                      

Property Address: _______________________, City _______________________, State ________, Zip Code_____________ Description of the property portion that can be entered searched.________________________________________________________________________


Purpose: Hobbyist is allowed access to property only for the purpose of metal detecting to locate, dig and recover metal items. (Items maybe coins, iron relics, jewelry, metal / brass buttons and other misc. metal objects.)                                                                    

Liability Waiver: Hobbyist will not hold Property Owner responsible for any Hobbyist loss, damage to equipment or personal injury or for any claim made by others that may arise from items found on Owners property.                                                  


Found Items Ownership: Hobbyist will gain ownership to all items found while metal detecting on described property unless otherwise noted.____________________________________________________________________________________


Property Conditions: Hobbyist will leave property in like condition before metal detected to the extent that is practical. All holes made by Hobbyist will be filled.                                                                                                                                                                      

Term:                        Metal Detecting

                                    Start Date: __________________, Time:_________  

                                   Stop Date: __________________, Time: _________         


Termination: Owner may terminate this agreement at any time unless otherwise noted: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________                                                             


Agreed to:

Date: _________________ Time: ____________                                                                                             

Property Owner: __________________________________

Address: ________________________________________                  

City: __________________________  State: ____________  Zip Code: ___________

Phone: _______________________________

Email: _______________________________


Agreed to:

Date: _________________ Time: ____________                                                                                             

Hobbyist: _______________________________________

Address: ________________________________________

City: __________________________  State: ____________  Zip Code: ___________

Phone: _______________________________

Email: _______________________________


Attached is a copy of our Metal Detecting Ethics

Ethics for Responsible Metal Detecting